Tips On Helping A Loved One With Depression

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How to relate to a friend or loved one who is suffering from depression:

  • If you have never experienced depression before, you DO NOT know what it feels like.
  • It is not a matter of feeling down or being cheered up with a good pep talk.
  • It cannot be fixed by negative re-enforcement, saying things like, “C’mon, just snap out of it!” or, “Can’t you just cheer up already?”
  • It is a mental and physical ailment and it needs to be dealt with carefully and delicately
  • It is a common thing that they will be dwelling on negative thoughts

The best tool in your arsenal is “Understanding.”
You must understand that the depressed person is not acting as their usual self.
You must understand that they are physically unable to bring themselves out of their current state of mind on command.
You must understand that they do not want be acting or feeling the way they are during a depressive episode.

The following can have a positive effect:

  • Telling them you understand and that you feel bad that they are feeling that way
  • Avoid all negative topics and issues as this can put them in a more depressive state
  • Be positive and cheerful to help elevate their feelings
  • Take a walk and talk about pleasant things or things that they enjoy
  • Participate in one of their favorite hobbies

So try your best to be positive and to understand that although they may not be showing it, they do want to feel better and they greatly appreciate what you are doing for them.

Click Here or click the Delete Depression now button below to help yourself or a loved one to get depression under control.

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